Leaping from Financial management to Business Valuation
After more than 20 years of a happy and fulfilling career in the corporate world I am now contemplating a career transition to the field of Business Valuation. I am bringing with me a bunch of transferable skills and I am also developing my technical business valuation skill as a student in the CBV program.
The three-way match Valuation
The three-way match principle is a well-known concept used as a control protocol in the Account payable/procurement accounting. The main purpose of this process is to reconcile a supplier’s payment with three documents generated at the main stages of the procurement process: The Purchase Order – The PO is raised to […]
Business Valuation: Beyond Polyvalence!
Since I started building traction in my learning curve on business valuation, I was told and read that Business valuation is the turning point of various skills, it is the combination of rigorous technical, financial assessment of a set of data but also an Art. Then, yesterday I came across this excellent article about business […]
How to maximize the expected synergies from a list of customers?
The most prevalent mechanisms of ownership transfer in a M&A transaction are either through the acquisition of shares or assets. In both scenarios, whether the list of customers carries a relative importance will depend on the industry where the subject company is operating In the service industries where the revenue stream is recurrent and committed through medium to […]
Driving growth through brands
The title of this paper is similar to that of a training session that I attend while working with a major tobacco FMCG company 6 years ago. the session was leaded by Julian Honey, a famous trainer at MTP plc a world known provider of tailored learning solutions for high calibre managers in major global companies in […]
7 Questions Interesting People Always Ask in Conversations (Read on Inc.com)
Want to be the most interesting person in the room? Well, whether you’re introverted or extroverted, it doesn’t really matter: There are things one must do to have the kind of captivating conversations that will attract others to your social circle. Before I get to the seven questions that will ignite those conversations, here are […]
Why Polyvalence is a critical skill requirement for Finance Business Partners?
The finance profession is going through an intensive mutation as a result of the markets dynamics that western corporations are facing. From the de-localization of the transactional finance functions (Bookkeeping, billing, AP , AR etc..) to various shared services across the globe to the aggressive competition into various mature or growing industries and the […]
Why “Short-term” strategic decisions cannot be just “Short” to Finance Business Partners?
It is a fact that business realities are dynamic and companies have to adjust or adapt frequently their tactical and operational strategies in order to adapt , cope or mitigate changing winds of the business sea.
It is very common that at certain stages of the cycle, the business might be obliged to make an adhoc decision either to cope with raw materials shortages or to improve the sale performance of some key trades intermediaries.